


Books and Artbooks store about the Fairy world of  JB Monge

All about the Books and Artbooks of Jean-Baptiste MONGE and travel into his wonderful world of Fairy tale and Fantasy!

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  • NEW Tutorial book Step by...

    NEW Tutorial book Step by Step vol.1 by JB Monge


    Step by Step/Over my Shoulder is the very first TUTORIAL BOOK of JBMonge, the first in a series of educational books.

    Discover the creation of the image: La Cuvée du Lutin (meaning The Gnome's Cuvée) from the first sketch to the final image.

    Select from the drop-down menu if you want :

    • just the book :  no signature, no drawing
    • with JBMonge's hand signature on 1st inside page (no drawing)

    NB - no custom drawing possible on this because there is no place at all!

    Detail :

    • softcover paperback (glossy)
    • 40 pages
    • 215 x 300 mm (quasi un format A4)
    • isbn 9782494055070 French version
    • isbn 9782494055063 English version

    CHOICE of language in the drop-down menu!!

    Illustrations and creations ©™ Jean-Baptiste Monge all rights reserved, reproduction strictly forbidden. Thank you for respecting the Author.