Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the https://www.jbmonge.com website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:
Site owner
Les Éditions Goblin's WAY
A limited liability company with capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register under SIREN number 909 166 647, with its registered office at 45 rue principale 67160 DRACHENBRONN-BIRLENBACH, FRANCE.
Publication Director: Ms Marjolaine GRIG-Monge
Co-director: Mr Jean-Baptiste Monge
Contact: editionsgoblinsway@gmail.com
Technical design
Agency specialising in website design in Alsace-Moselle,
A simplified joint stock company with capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register under SIREN number 884 086 828, with its registered office at 15 rue de la Gare, 67480 ROESCHWOOG, FRANCE.
Public limited company with capital of CHF 102,000, registered in the Geneva Trade Register under number CHE-103.167.64825, with registered office at RUE EUGENE-MARZIANO, 1227 LES ACACIAS, SWITZERLAND.
Phone: +41 22 820 35 44
Website: www.infomaniak.com
The server and its data are subject to French law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).
Rectification of personal information collected
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act (art. 34 of Act no. 48-87 of 6 January 1978), users have the right to modify any personal data collected about them. To do so, the user may send a message using the contact form available on all pages of the site (link at the bottom of the site).
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This entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Any reproduction requires the prior agreement of the site manager.
Photo credits
The publication of images, illustrations and photographs on this site has been made with the agreement of their authors. These visuals may not be reproduced without permission.
Privacy policy and personal data
We invite you to consult our page dedicated to privacy policy and personal data, click here.